In HS I took a Photoshop Class, here are a few of the works I'm prouder of, all crammed into one easily digestible proto-narrative!

A mysterious clown you were meant to incarcerate. They offered you a deal. Out of their gills flowed giggles and bubbles and the sweetest, truest lies.

When they were first discovered, it caused a massive uproar. But they were soon forgotten, becoming commonplace knowledge, as mundane as any squirrel. But these were no squirrels. They preferred strawberry pudding over walnut.

What our eyes cannot see might as well not exist. Minisculestis, God of all that is microscopic, floats numbly in his domain. Blind, deaf, dumb, bitter. His power only grows. Dust mites beware.

2 Comosapiens enjoy a quick spat of Monopoly. Loric thinks he is winning (he has played oh so many games of Candyland just like this one). Durst is about to break Loric's confidence. Fickle is the nature of Connect 4.

The Haunted Manse of Bethlehem, where the concepts of concepts reside.