Keep your eyes peeled for Blight Games' next project! All the work is done on the art side, but unfortunately I can't give an estimate of how soon the first build might be released. But here're some previews for now!

Hunting Havoc is a top-down Zelda-esq game where you control a hunting party of 4! These guys are kinda like... They're real scumbags, but that's what makes them fun! So go poach some endangered fauna, it'll be fun [DISCLAIMER: CRITTERCLOWN DOES NOT CONDONE POACHING OF ANY KIND].

Some concept art. The 4 characters remained relatively unchanged, except they were changed to all share a basic melee attack and get unique secondary abilities. The Naturalist also swapped his bug net for a fishing rod, because game physics fun.

Some ideas for bosses! Don't hold your breath, but some of these dudes may show up one day, somehow, though I haven't worked on HH for quite a while now and can't confirm that it'll keep chugging along. There's an amphibian, a beetle/cicada mix, a big ghost crab, a stilted owl from hell, and a funny little sea angel in the corner. I really like the flying raccoon dude, and the rotifer ain't bad either!

More focused concept art for the area's setting and boss, who you'll see more of later. Now, for our protagonists!

The Hunter! With his hunting knife and ranged Musket, he's ready to take on the world. Well, he already has, actually. He's killed like, at least one of 99% of all animal species on the planet. And he hungers for yet more! Is it for the thrill? Fame? Riches? Nah, he just really hates animals.

The Merchant! A noble businesswoman, she comes equipped with a priceless ancestral golden rapier (bought completely fairly from a struggling cultural museum) and several Bombs from her past (she swears it's in the past) as an Arms Dealer. Oh, and some other expensive goods in that pack of hers. She certainly isn't corrupt, she certainly doesn't bribe governments, and would NEVER hunt rare and endangered species to sell them on the Black Market. Don't be ridiculous.

The Chef! A sweet, naive country bumpkin who dreams of being a world class chef! With her hand-me-down steak knife and a Frying Pan (to make into a Dying Pan!), she's ready to elevate her cooking to the next level! The level it's at now is, well, let's just say it's lacking. She really doesn't know how to cook. But it must be the ingredients! With some scarcer, higher class meats, surely she'll be the best there ever was!

The Naturalist! He's got his dissection scalpel in one hand and his Fishing Rod in the other. This man loves nature, so long as it's stuffed, pinned, pickled, or otherwise clean and proper and organized, as all life SHOULD be! He's heard from the scientific community that some of these animals are on the decline and will soon be extinct, and so he's gone out... To add their corpses to his collection before they've all been snatched up by someone else! Ah, a noble scientist indeed... He's also not... super popular with his team-mates (though they're not exactly all buddy-buddy regardless).

Walk-Cycles! Lookit him go!

That backpack be jigglin!


Lookit this dude waddle. I hate him.

Ouchy, death sprite.

No feely good.


This is probably your fault, Naturalist.


Blah blah blah.

Hurpdy durpdy durr.

Dude stop talking nobody liked you.

Your tent! Or tents, plural. There's 3 at the start of the expedition, because the Naturalist sleeps outside, as he should.
