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Manlete Gloryheart

Manlete Gloryheart was a renowned celebrity, famous for his over-the-top and extravagant flare in the ring. A noble warrior and fighter, there was nary a soul who wasn't head-over-heels for the Minotaur. And while others might abuse this fame, might indulge in carnal pleasures of flesh and drink, Manlete was not others. A man of strict moral code, Manlete spent his time honing his skill and protecting the vulnerable. His efforts did not go unnoticed by the King, who soon invited Manlete over to the castle, much to his Head Knight's dismay. And with Manlete's charisma, it wasn't long until he was offered a place to stay on the court grounds. Nor was it long until he was offered a position next to the Head Knight (much to said Knight's chagrin). It was, however, a surprise when Manlete's uniform was substituted for a much more... Revealing one. The Head Knight was fuming. The Head Knight was fuming because the King was unashamedly in love with Manlete. And the Head Knight was jealous.

And Manlete continued fulfilling his duties, either blissfully unaware of magnanimously apathetic toward the juvenile love triangle he was in the center of.

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