Mothman-type beat
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“It was a grotesque and pitiable thing, elongated body undulating wildly as if to keep tempo with some unseen waltz, countless bulbous digits reaching out in every direction just to desperately grip onto the nearest surface that was sometimes there, sometimes not. Covered head to toe in hairs, its very own anatomy seemingly seeking to obfuscate its own hideous silhouette under a layer of unruly fuzz. It had emerged from the cocoon half-formed and sloppy, a film of slime being the only thing to break its fall from the silken womb it had spun itself in the throes of pupation. Once it had gotten its bearings, if it was even capable of such a feat, a large and effervescent green ornament began inflating and revealed itself from the creatures backside, swaying gently in the breeze. Its feathery antennae delicately flittered to and fro, drooping onto the floor as the creature was unable to support the weight of its own head. A long, leathery proboscis unfurled itself unto the ground like some long-dead worm. Six segmented limbs curled inwards and outwards and inwards again from right behind the head as the wings, those pathetic wings, attempted to flap, only to spill upon the floor, slow and unfettered like sheets of torn paper. They found themselves draped over the beast like a cape, constantly shedding a procession of tiny, ethereal scales, pulled along by the cool night air. The thing soon found itself surrounded, all manner of butterflies and moths lazily fluttering about, caterpillars and grubs crawling en-masse to make a pilgrimage around this otherworldly being. The insects acted drawn to it, as if by some invisible force, and they were not alone. As while the creature writhed and pulsated, deplorable and wretched, onlookers could only describe it as one thing… Beautiful.”