Not a very traditional dokkaebi, but I figured Aye-ayes are a good fit for their more mischievous and less frightening side.
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“Tap-tap-tap. Tap-tap-tap. Taptaptaptaptaptaptaptaptaptaptap! That’s all I ever hear anymore! They’re everywhere! Every roof, every tree, just tap-tap-tapping away! Everyone thinks they’re evil, and I’m inclined to agree. I’m not even sure I mind everyone rallying together to kill the damn things anymore. I tried to be respectful, I really did, but that was before there were a million of them. Every night, there’s a hunting party. It isn’t working, evidently. They seem to be able to just… Disappear, fading into the oblivion of the night. It’s like they’re invisible. And of course they’ve got a leader. Of course. A big, mangy looking thing, with black matted fur and huge yellow eyes wide in mock surprise as it just tap-tap-taps away. We got our strongest guy to try fighting it, but it just used its gross long gangly finger to trip him up, quite literally. Hooked his leg and ran off. We’re lucky it wasn’t carrying around the club. Yeah. The club. It takes huge chunks of rotting tree bark and flails it around like a weapon. And then steals your food. And then continues tapping. I really really hate these things.”