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“Endless, eternal, spiraling. The tower gapes towards the heavens, the bones of babel and the flesh of charybdis. The gnashing jaws and slimy flesh descends into the depths and the sand and who knows how far below the bottom while the eyes scan the stars, longing. The tower heaves, ever-so-slowly, upwards. They circle it endlessly, encouraging the upward expansion, silent hymns and psalms filling the oceans with deafening praise. The tower rises ever-upward. The surface is within reach, now, for this eldest sack of teeth and hunger and patience and ambition and swim-bladders given form. The tower rises. The salt fills the countless swaying nostrils as they widen in excitement, the maws inside the maws inside the maws all begin to widen in anticipation. The tower rises. The surface of the water, so close now, the distorted view of the sky. So close. Stars littering the towers eyes like the broken sky of a worn church ceiling. The tower rises. The disciples swim faster and faster, undulating wildly around, all in perfect and parallel circumference. The tower rises. Waves crash violently into each other and break into themselves. The tower rises. The people cheer. The eels dance. The water breaks. The tower rises.”