Oh my, what a dashing young knight! Swoon
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“Hark! Hark! Tis the winged warrior! With armor of emerald and weapons of carapace, a chittering champion coolly and dutifully descends upon the scene! Emitting a knightly glow befitting only of the most chivalric of insects, this hero is heralded by the crashing, clashing cacophony of combat! Hercules, Atlas, none can best the best. Perhaps you will prove yourself to be the first worthy opponent this boisterous bug has ever fought? Or perhaps you will be heavily handed a hearty horn-based walloping… Much like everything else this bug’s ever come across! Sigh, will there EVER be a fair fight? Perhaps our chivalric coleopteran is thinking too small? Ah, of course! Who else, to be the perfect opponent, than… God himself! Have at thee!”