I love bears. They're both universally adored as adorable and also admired for being able to just rip a persons head off an go "HoOOOuuuUUggHH" and only eat half of you before getting too tired to do anything else. These wretched animals have just been bestowed the attribute of cute and it could not be more correct.
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“Accounts vary one where you can find the beast. Bamboo forests, Dense wooded groves, mountains, caves, even the snowy expanse of the arctic might be home to the Curupira. Covered in blisters, they say it punishes any whom might bring harm to the forest. Hunters who take more than they can eat, loggers, oil drillers, what have you. It’s deafening roar is more than enough to send any ne’er-do-well running. However, beware ye who would seek to do harm to the young, the innocent, and the dependent. Be it a beast or a human, any child harmed near to a forest will find itself fiercely protected by a reddish-orange clump of hair and claws. These vicious parental instincts seem to highlight a nobler side to the beast. To those who would respect the forest, it has nothing but respect to give in return. Respect and half-eaten salmon. Do not spurn the gift. That is rude. Eat the salmon, jerk.”