Cutie pie
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“Little Miss Muffet/ sat on a tuffet/ eating her curds and whey./ And not far beside here/ lay an odd spider/ who had been watching all day!/ The spider was lonely/ she thought she was homely/ folks called her creepy and gross!/ So she got all her friends/ with a plan to soon end/ their poor reputation morose./ See Little Miss Muffet/ who sat on a tuffet/ had quite the amount of prestige! /There was no single creature/ who she found beneath her/ and and soon enough beloved they’d be!/ So all of the crawlies/ like good little dollies/ ran up and grabbed the small girl./ And just as they’d say/ she did not run away/ As they spun her around with a twirl!/ Whoohoo! Hooray! Oh, what a day! The friends were happy as could be./ Today was the day/ the world would soon love them/ and every such creepy crawly!/ So with Little Miss Muffet/ who sat on a tuffet/ they paraded her all throughout town/ And when everyone saw/ What good friends they’d become/ they’d love every arachnid around!/ Oh, but these poor bugs/ who just wanted some hugs,/ if only they’d known, only if!/ That poor Little Miss Muffet/ who sat on a tuffet/ was actually simply scared stiff!”