Not the biggest fan of this one, honestly. I didn't use any fancy brushes or shading because I wanted to make this one feel softer, smoother, and goopier, but I think it just ended up looking flat. Maybe I should have shaded it? This is also the only one I've really made a background for, but looking back on it I think I was just compensating for the fact that it doesn't really fill in the canvas to neatly. Oh, well, a big part of art (especially for daily challenges) is learning to just say "y'know what, whatever, good enough."
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“They called me a fool, they did! Claimed me a dullard and a madman, to devote my life in search of the Cinnamologus. A bird that makes its nest with sticks of cinnamon? Preposterous, they jeered! And yet. And yet! Suddenly, from beyond the trees, the sweetest aroma to ever grace this unworthy protrudent nose! As if five million mangoes had ascended to the Great Beyond with Gabriel’s Horn, and had become cherubs to tickle my ungainly scent glands with the culmination of all worldly desire! I was not alone in my delight, no, as the excited chittering of a thousand toucans joined me in my gaiety! Then the beast was upon me, less than three paces of my own undeserving proboscis! It is a miracle the scent alone did not lift me straight to salvation! This creature, nay, this angel, this sweetest seraphim did bestow upon me a mercy of all mercies. It drizzled its essence into mine cupped palms, and I drunk. I swallowed this perfect ambrosia, and found that even the air wrestling its way through my mouth into my lungs tasted dull in comparison. This next part of my letter should be of little surprise, then. My sweetest Bellifany, I shall not be returning home. I have found bliss. If the children ask, tell darling little Pellandrew and dearest Winsatia I was eaten alive by several thousand crocodiles. Yours truly, Bulius Sniffsoliats III”