Had fun with the prose in this one :)
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“Come, all ye despondent, into the waters of salvation. Come to be baptized in the brine and jelly. Be saved. For there be False Prophets descending upon the soil of the innocent, wicked deceivers and misguided shepherds leading their lambs away from the light of the blessed. Leviathans in the depths, with their gargantuan tentacles or soothing songs of comfort and parenthood. Queens leading swarms, snakes ingratiating themselves with the kind. Birds secreting sweet scents of sacrilege, demons which die and rise and die again. Fae creatures enrapturing the masses with their chrysales of lies, self-proclaimed horned saviors engorging themselves in pointless and eternal duels. They promise affection for those rejected, pearls worth more than any human treasure, comfort and love pouring forth like milk from the nest of a pigeon. But they demand much in return. Food, faith, livers. Cast aside these damned unholy, for the horns of Gabriel shall soon sound themselves louder than the crashing of any waves, and the eternal shall meet the ephemeral at the gate of all creation. Ophanim, our great chariot awaits as the tides and currents pull and sway us toward our final consecration! Infinite tentacles shall carry our revelries onward into oblivion as one million bells chime out hymns of love, of truth, of all things ever to be! Come, children! Come, follow this grand procession of gelatinous piety, and let your souls be saved! Come! Meet salvation!”