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Scoria Maunakea

The shaman of a volcano, she's been trained in fire-dancing and other such rituals to communicate with the spirits of her home islands. And while she was practicing these dances, she realized, man, she enjoys dancing! So, after receiving blessings from the spirits themselves (though not the island folk, I mean she's still a High Priestess, why should she care what the mere worshippers think), she set off in her homemade boat. Her customs are a bit strange, and she hasn't quite gotten a grasp of the language, or the mannerisms, or the manners, or any sense of boundaries, or anything really, but no matter where she is she has one goal: find herself a suitable dance partner. No matter if they get sever burns from being in such close proximity to her, or if the spirits disapprove and curse them forever, or whatever. There are so many people off the island! She can always just keep looking.

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