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The Great Lueten Freanivirrea

Come one, come all, bear witness to The Great Lueten Freanivirrea! Watch as he changes and plays with the seasons before your very eyes! Oh, calm down, it's but simple illusion, no need to worry! Ah! Yes! Thank you very much for the tips, yes! Mm, of course, I've practiced for very long to become such a talented illusionist, thank you. Yep, years, decades of hard work, really. Oh my, heavens no, you're too kind. Here, I'll put on a show just for you! Oh, you're too kind, I couldn't accept this! Oh, if you insist. Here, I'll even make it Harvest Season for all your crops, free of charge!

(Lueten Freanivirrea is not his real name, and he is not an illusionist. He flunked out of magic school. He knows no magic. He is actually changing the seasons, for real. He stole artifacts from each Fae Lord of the Four Seasons. They want him dead. He is on the run. If you see this man, he is bad news. Do not let him stay with you or your village).

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